Soil acidifying fertilizer for blueberries - Substral® - 1 kg

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Soil acidifying fertilizer for blueberries from Substral®, offered in 1-kg packages, is a premium quality, slow release product. It is intended for complete plant fertilization and acidifying of the soil. It perfectly suits nutritional needs of Northern highbush blueberry and other acidophilic plants, including rhododendrons, azaleas, heaths, hydrangeas, magnolias and camellias. The package contains two sachets - one with fertilizer and the second with the acidifying agent. This product effectively reduces soil acidity and provides plants with all necessary nutrients. Soil acidifying blueberry fertilizer from Substral® strengthens plants and their roots, increases fruit yield and improves water relations.

Products from both sachets need to be applied at the same time. The appropriate doses of granules should spread in circles circa 80 cm away from the plant. Distribute the fertilizer evenly, mix with the upper layer of the soil and water thoroughly. We recommend to apply the fertilizer three times during the season, in April, May and June. In order to maintain low pH level of the soil, we recommend to use the product during the following years, too. This fertilizer provides optimal conditions for proper growth and abundant fruit production of Northern highbush blueberry.

The package contains 1 kg of the soil acidifying fertilizer for blueberries from Substral®, as well as the best-before date and detailed instructions of use.