You will be able to arrange an elegant garden thanks to the large-flowered rose varieties, famous for their beautiful, double blooms. They are ideally suited for bouquets and other flower compositions when cut. There are seedlings of many different large-flowered rose varieties available in our store. They mostly differ in flower colour. They stand out with excellent quality as they all come exclusively from proven sources.
The large-flowered roses, even though they are very demanding, are charming plants. They will pay you back for your hard work with stems decorated with marvellous flowers. They will adorn the garden all summer long. Cut flowers will decorate interiors. Large-flowered roses may also be used for wedding bouquets, particularly when you consider the fact that they come in many different colours. They are often dubbed Queens of Flowers and enjoy great popularity among the nobility and court inhabitants. They form excellent colourful arrangements with other plants. They fit not only into elegant, English-style gardens, but in rustic gardens, too. They look great combined with the perennial lupine, morning-glories and lavender.
Large-flowered roses stand out from other rose cultivars with high cultivation requirements. Some of them may only grow in greenhouses or under covers, because they are very sensitive to the frosts that often occur in Central European climate. They prefer sunny, wind-sheltered sites with a permeable, nutrient-rich soil with high humus content. They will develop well and award you with beautiful flowers for your care and hard work. Do not hesitate and choose seedlings of the large-flowered roses that appeal to you.
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