Lily 'Primrose Hill' - Oriental, Fragrant

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Immerse yourself in the captivating fragrance and vibrant hues of the Oriental Lily ‘Primrose Hill’. This stunning plant, with its tricolour flowers in yellow and lilac, stands tall at 90 to 110 cm, becoming a striking focal point in garden landscapes.

The versatility of Lily ‘Primrose Hill’ shines as it thrives as a border plant or a decorative feature on patios and terraces, infusing its surroundings with a delightful aroma. For successful cultivation, plant it in sunny to lightly shaded areas with well-draining soil. Regular fertilisation and watering are crucial for its growth, while avoiding overwatering is key. After flowering, trim the plant for optimal health.

In regions with cooler climates, protect the lilies from frost and consider staking due to their impressive height and robust flower clusters. Plant the bulbs in spring (March-May) or autumn (September-October) at depths of 15-20 cm and spaced 25-30 cm apart to allow unrestricted growth.

This package includes one bulb of the Lily ‘Primrose Hill’, ready for planting. Detailed cultivation instructions can be found on the product label. Embrace nature’s beauty and elegance with this extraordinary addition to your garden that promises not just visual allure but also fragrant freshness.