Yellow Anemone - GIGA Pack! - 50 pcs

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Indulge in the early spring charm with our Yellow Anemone GIGA Pack, featuring 50 bulbs of Anemone ranunculoides. This perennial bulbous plant hails from the buttercup family and thrives in lowland areas, particularly in alder thickets and deciduous forests.

Standing at a modest height of up to 20 cm, each unbranched stem is adorned with a trio of whorled, three-part leaves. Come March to May, the plant bursts into a spectacle of golden blooms, each featuring 5-6 petals and a central cluster of stamens and pistils. These vibrant flowers are sun-chasers; they close during cloudy days and turn towards the sun when it shines.

The Yellow Anemone is a versatile addition to your garden, flourishing in sunny to semi-shaded spots. It prefers moist, humus-rich, and neutral to slightly alkaline soil conditions. Rest assured, the plant's rhizomes are well-equipped to withstand frosty conditions.

Ideal for rockeries, naturalistic plantings, and early-flowering bulb beds, these anemones pair beautifully with late-developing perennials like hostas and ferns.

Yellow Anemone - GIGA Pack! - 50 pcs: Anemone ranunculoides is a poisonous plant. Exercise caution and use gloves when handling.

Each GIGA Pack includes 50 bulbs, complete with a product label detailing essential cultivation information.

$161.36   $3.23 x 50 =  $161.36

CODE: 024535