"Korzonek PZ" for taking root of half-woody ornamental plant cuttings of such plants as cypress, arbovitae, thuja, yew, gerbera

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This is a liquid preparation intended for use during taking root phase of half-woody plants. Thanks to this product root system grows and spread way faster, what allows the seedling to quickly establish itself at the site. You would not need any additional protection agents anymore. Presented product contains nutrients and micronutrients.

Application of the presented rooting agent could not be easier. You only need to soak the seedling 2-3 cm deep in the solution for a couple of seconds and then plant immediately.

It contains components that from the very beginning support development of a protective zone - beneficial microflora - around the seedling. This microflora does not let pathogens reach the seedling and stimulates its healthy growth and development.

"Korzonek PZ" should be applied to - seedlings of half-woody ornamental plants e.g. cypress, arborvitae, thuja, yew, gerbera.

Net capacity 30 ml.

Each package contains instructions of use and a dosing guide, as well as the best-before date.

  • Capacity: 30 ml

Application method:
Fertilize the plants with a 50% solution (e.g. 10 ml of the fertilizer per 10 ml of water). Prepare the prescribed amount of the solution. 20 ml of the ready-to-use preparation allows to feed several to a few dozens of seedlings. Soak their roots 2 to 5 cm deep in the prepared solution. Keep the roots in the liquid for 5 to 10 seconds and plant immediately. Do not forget to prepare the holes for the seedlings beforehand.