
If you are looking for an eco-friendly, natural fertilizer, do not look any further and choose manure. You do not have to buy it from a farmer or worry about the logistics. Our online garden store offers a wide selection of various manure fertilizers - properly processed, dried and packed in airtight bags.

We recommend the wonderful all-purpose cattle manure that improves soil fertility without acidifying it, the nitrogen-rich chicken manure, horse manure that increases soil temperature (perfect for feeding to flowering plants and vegetables, including these grown in greenhouses) and sheep manure intended for demanding plants that require large amounts of green mass. In our offer you will also find the scentless fertilizer sticks that you can feed your pot plants with!

Why it is worth choosing natural manure? Because this eco-friendly solution will help you achieve high quality, rich crops. Manure is a complete fertilizer that contains all possible micro- and macronutrients that your plants need for balanced growth, abundant blooming and fruit bearing. This kind of fertilizer contains organic matter - valuable humus that increases soil humidity and gives it an ideal structure by improving its permeability and water capacity. What is also important, you cannot over fertilize the plants with manure, because it decomposes gradually, slowly releasing doses of all nutrients it contains. Plant food presented here comes in handy during planting new trees, shrubs and perennials, as well as strengthening older plants. Packages of various sizes - from 4 to 25 kg - are available in our store. The manure we offer comes in form of granules, sticks or spikes. It is dry, easy to apply, does not excrete an intensive smell, nor stains hands. It can also be safely stored for later use.

We offer products of the most renown gardening and agriculture brands (Biopon, Florovit, Ogród Start, Target) in order to provide you with the highest available quality. You will only buy clean, carefully assorted, ready-to use fertilizers free from pest eggs and weed seeds in our store. Learn more about our assortment and order high-quality manure at competitive prices with cheap home delivery.
