Microgreen Seeds

Step into the world of Microgreen Seeds! These aren't just young baby leaf shoots; they're seedlings of vegetables and herbs that are only a few days old. Easier to grow than sprouts, they offer a more abundant harvest because we let them grow a bit longer. Perfect for year-round cultivation at home, our Microgreen Seeds thrive in boxes and pots. Welcome to a universe of delicious, nutrient-packed young leaves!

If you're new to this, we recommend starting with species that germinate and grow quickly. Try our Microgreen Seeds like Red Radish, Alfalfa, or Garden Dill. Can't wait to munch on your favorite veggies? Sow our Microgreen Seeds such as Welsh Onion, Kohlrabi, and Beetroot right on your kitchen windowsill. You can also grow young leaves of spinach, chicory, kale, and broccoli. If you've always wanted an herb garden but struggle with potted herbs, consider our basil seeds for young leaves. Our store offers a wide variety of options, perfect for every season.

But these young leaves are more than just a tasty addition to your meals; they're a powerhouse of health benefits. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, they're incredibly easy to grow. All you need is a container, some soil, and a daily splash of water, and they'll flourish quickly and abundantly. Try it out and experience the health and flavor benefits of our Microgreen Seeds for yourself!

Introducing the exquisite Microgreens - Red Mizuna (Brassica rapa var. japonica), young leaves renowned for their unique and arresting flavour profile....
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Microgreens - Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) - young leaves with unique taste are a great addition to every dish. Microgreens have become very popular...
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Microgreens - Garden cress (Lepidium sativum) - young leaves with unique taste are a tasty and popular addition to meals. Microgreens resemble the popular...
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Microgreens Broccoli are specially prepared broccoli seeds intended for sprouting on a seeding tray. You harvest young leaves that delight with tender...
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Microgreens - Garden dill (Anethum graveolens) - young leaves with unique taste combine terrific aroma and exceptional nutritional value. Microgreens is a...
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Microgreens - Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) - young leaves with unique taste are a great addition to meals that will allow us to stay in good health. They have...
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The swede (rutabaga) Microgreens, young leaves with a unique taste, constitute the latest trend in healthy nutrition. The micro leaves become more and more...
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The Mizuna Microgreens mix provides a good method of remaining healthy and in good condition. They are pure and contain highly concentrated nutrients and...
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Microgreens - Garden cress is a product not only for Easter. The unique form of young tiny leaves can be easily grown during any given season. The benefits...
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Microgreens - Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) - young leaves with unique taste offer us more than sprouts. Sowing exceptional seeds available in our store...
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Microgreens - Red radish - young leaves with unique taste (Raphanus sativus) offers a very easy way to make your meals tastier and healthier. Microgreens...
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The sunflower Microgreens are young leaves with a unique taste that the people looking for natural dietary supplements simply cannot omit. Edible sunflower...
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Microgreens - Rocket, arugula (the annual variety) belongs to the leaf vegetables that enjoy high popularity. These delicious leaves that strike with a...
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Microgreens - Growing container - young leaves with an unique taste. Microgreens are popular plants that are harvested and consumed at an early...
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The sunflower Microgreens are young leaves with a unique taste that the people looking for natural dietary supplements simply cannot omit. Edible sunflower...
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Microgreens - Green basil "Sweet Large" - young leaves with unique taste are a great addition to every dish. Microgreens are young basil plants harvested...
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Microgreens - Mizuna (Brassica rapa var. Japonica) - young leaves with exceptional taste are a delicious and aromatic vegetable that will add flavour to...
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Microgreens - alfalfa - more and more often substitute sprouts of this valuable plant. This cultivation method allows you to grow young plants that are only...
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Microgreens - Winter onion (Allium fistulosum) - young leaves with exceptional taste become more and more popular as a menu component. Microgreens are...
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Microgreens - Green kale (Brassica oleracea convar. acephala var. sabellica) - young leaves with exceptional taste find their way into our daily diet more...
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Microgreens - Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea convar. acephala var. gongylodes) - young leaves with exceptional taste may be easily cultivated by you at home....
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