Soil pH- acidifies soil and lowers its pH value - Target® - 100 ml

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Soil pH- is a preparation intended for acidifying soil and lowering its pH value. Soil reaction belongs to the most important factors that influence growth and development of the plants. We recommend the proposed agent for creation of optimal growing conditions for acidophilic plants, such as conifers, heathers, heaths, rhododendrons or Northern highbush blueberry. It will also help you fight chlorosis.

Presented preparation is intended for soil application, but you need to dissolve it in water before use. This product will supply the soil with components that will lower its pH value. The contents have been carefully selected in order to maximize the performance and operation time. We recommend to check soil pH before application. Our product can be applied before seeding or planting in order to provide plants with optimal start conditions. In case of the more mature, already growing plants you may apply this agent during the whole vegetation season, yet spring and autumn are considered the best times for application.

The package contains 100 ml of the Soil pH- agent that acidifies soil and lowers its pH value, from Target®, as well as the best-before date and detailed instructions of use.

Fertilizer application rate:

Dosage: Apply a 1% solution (100 ml of fertilizer mixed with 10 litres of water) to the soil before the start of the culture. The prepared amount allows you to water circa 10 m2 of land.

Time of application: March - September