Bonsai fertilizer - Florovit® - 250 ml

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Bonsai fertilizer from Florovit® is perfectly suited for supplementation of various species of these extraordinary plants. Proper fertilization belongs to the most important plant care measures. Due to the small amount of soil in a typical bonsai pot you need to choose plant food carefully in order not to overfertilize your minuscule tree. Presented fertilizer stands out with a rich composition and properly balanced ingredients. Bonsai trees regularly fed with it will grow healthy and delight with their noble appearance.

This is a mineral fertilizer enriched with boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc. This liquid concentrate needs to be dissolved in water before use. Water the plants with the prepared solution. Bonsai trees need to be fertilized all vegetational season long from spring to autumn. The frequency of fertilization needs to be adjusted to the given plant species. Plants grown indoors may be supplemented all year long.

The package contains 250 ml of bonsai fertilizer from Florovit®, as well as the best-before date and detailed instructions of use.

Application method:
Dissolve 3 ml of fertilizer in 1 litre of water. Water the plants from April to October. The application time depends on the plant species.