The "Queen Fabiola" Ithuriel's spear (Brodiaea laxa, Triteleia laxa), also known as common triteleia or grassnut, is a marvellous bulb plant that can be grown both on flower beds in garden and in pots. Triteleia is a perennial that origins from North America. It usually grows 30 to 40 cm tall. It develops dense tufts, that consist of elongated narrow leaves, over which clusters of flowers tower on long stalks. "Queen Fabiola" variety presented here develops blue flowers, but their colour may change to purple-blue or even blue-white depending on the lighting conditions and soil type. The flowers unfold in June and July. Ithuriel's spear is used as flower bed plant, grown for cut flowers and as decorative pot plant.
Bulbs of the Ithuriel's spear can be planted directly from April to June. Choose a sunny site that is also sheltered from the wind. The flower colours will be less saturated on shady spots. The soil needs to be permeable, rich in humus and other nutrients. We recommend to apply the special bulb flower fertilizer after the flowers have wilted. This action allows the bulb to regenerate fully and produce even more beautiful blooms in the following year. This species is not completely frost resistant, hence the bulbs need to be excavated or carefully and thoroughly covered before the winter.
Each package contains 100 bulbs of the 'Queen Fabiola' Ithuriel's spear sized 6/7 cm in circumference. Essential plant growing instructions can be found in the package information.