Our polypropylene bags and sacks will come in handy in every household. You can purchase them for almost nothing in different sizes. They are intended for dry goods, including food, fuels, construction materials, fertilizers and other components used in agriculture and gardening. You will have trouble believing your eyes when you see the prices of high quality polypropylene sacks and bags that we offer in our store!
There are white, thick polypropylene bags available in our store. They guarantee excellent durability and tear-resistance, as well as resistance to mechanical damage. Sturdy, thick, yet lightweight fabric they have been manufactured of has been permitted for food contact. In a bag of that kind you will safely store and transport sugar, flour, grain or animal fodder. Due to high durability our polypropylene bags are perfectly suited for transporting coal, briquettes, sand, gravel and debris. The competitive price can be easily added to the advantages of that product – this purchase will definitely bring dividends! Buy white polypropylene 50 x 80 cm bag made of 50-g fabric that can carry 25 kg of any given load or the XXL versions suitable for carrying 50 kg of load – white 65 x 110 cm polypropylene bag made of 86 g fabric or the white 80 x 125 cm bag made of even thicker, 120 g fabric. We kindly invite you make orders!
Save time and money by ordering containers and bags from the leading producers online. We guarantee premium quality and durability of our products – polypropylene sacks and bags offered in our store prove to be an investment for years. Click, order and see, that it makes sense!
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