Anty-Mech (Anti-Moss) - lawn fertilizer microgranules - Substral® - 1 kg

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Anty-Mech (Anti-Moss), lawn fertilizer in granulated form, offers an effective and efficient way to completely get rid of moss from turf and protect the lawn from repeated moss infestation. Moss causes the turf to thin and look bad. The product that we offer here fights moss and impairs its growth, rejuvenating the lawn at the same time. Large amount of iron increases grass resistance and replenishes deficiencies of this important element. Iron makes grass stronger, grow denser and gives it its beautiful, bright green colour back.

Microgranules allow you to either broadcast the product or dissolve it in water and use for watering or dusting. As you can see, the choice of application method is completely up to you. Distribute the product evenly over the lawn surface, preferably shortly after it has been mown. Rake the dead moss carefully from the lawn. This product gives best effects used from spring to the end of August, during the period of intense grass growth. We hereby present an effective and efficient lawn care product.

Each package contains 1 kg of the Anty-Mech (Anti-Moss) - lawn fertilizer microgranules from Substral®, with the best before date and instructions of use printed on the package.

Application method. Apply from spring until the end of August in the following doses: watering: 100 grams/10 litres of water (with a watering can) per 10 m2. Broadcasting: 100 grams/5m2. Dusting: 100 grams/3 litres of water per 15m2. Watering and dusting - stir the fertilizer in order to dissolve it completely. Use the double dose in case of the extremely persistent moss. Do not apply on windy days and in full exposure to sunlight. Broadcasting: distribute the fertilizer evenly on the surface of the lawn, preferably after mowing. Water the turf abundantly if the rain is not expected.