Begonia fertilizer - BIOPON® - 500 ml

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Begonias belong to the most beautiful plants grown on balconies, terraces and flower beds. In order to maintain their good health, vivid bloom colours and make the blooming long and repeated, you need to use a fertilizer specially prepared for these beauties. Begonia fertilizer contains all components that are required to enjoy outstanding plants for a long time.

The package contains 500 ml of begonia fertilizer, an amount sufficient to prepare 100 litres of ready-to-use watering solution.

Each package contains instructions of use and the best-before date.

  • Capacity: 500 ml

Application method:
one-third of a cap (10 ml) per 1.2-1.4 litres of water. Apply from April to September once a week. To be applied while watering or per foliar application.